VR :
【Metro Family Suite】
Regular Room Rate: NT$8,200+10%
Special Rate: 平日NT$4550元 假日NT$6750元
The spacious yet elegant guestroom, about 15 pins, is inspired from the idea of minimalism concepts. It features classic flowery walls that corresponding to the carpet texture and the calm ambience made from dark shades of beddings and furniture. It's created for you to enjoy a press less and cozy trip.
Today:183 / Yesterday:325
※ No.24, Lane 170, Dehui St., Taipei 10470 Taiwan
※ Tel:+886-2-2594-2977
※ Fax:+886-2-2594-2976
※ http://www.metro-hotel.tw/
※ Mail:metrohotel24@gmail.com
※ Hotel business registration:357